UTSは1988年に創立された若い大学ですが、UTSが提供している11のコースがオーストラリア国内で10位以内にランクインをしています。国内の大学ランキングでもオーストラリアの名門大学のGroup of Eight(トップ8校)に続き9位の評価を受けています。大学名には工科大学と付いていますが、理系分野以外にも建築やビジネス、看護など多くの分野で人気がある大学です。シドニーの中心部の駅からも徒歩でアクセスが可能で、立地はオーストラリア国内の大学で最も良いのではないでしょうか。また、UTSのキャンパスは近代的なビルのデザインとなっており、Dr Chau Chak Wingという建物は独創的なデザインとして知られ、シドニーでの観光地にもなっているほどです。
創立50年以内の若い大学にも関わらず、すでに名門のトップ8校に次ぐ立ち位置におり、コースによっては国内5位以内のものもあります(例:情報管理は国内1位、アート&デザインは国内2位)。世界大学ランキングでも90位にランクインしています。近い将来Group of Eightの牙城を崩すこと間違いなしです。
生徒数 | 約44,000人 |
国籍比率 | 留学生11,000人 |
入学日 | 2月、7月 |
学校案内設備 | 図書館、研究施設、犯罪研究室、自習室、シアタールーム、チャイルドケアセンター、スポーツジムなど |
公式サイトURL | |
住所 | 15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007 オーストラリア |
分野 | 料金 |
Bachelor of Business (Honours) | $22,460 |
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $22,460 |
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of International Studies | $22,460 |
Bachelor of Business(COURSE CODE:C10026v6) | $22,460 |
Bachelor of Business(COURSE CODE:C10027v4) | $21,550 |
Bachelor of Business(COURSE CODE:C10026v8) | $22,460 |
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $22,460 |
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Sustainability and Environment | $22,460 |
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $22,460 |
分野 | 料金 |
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Architecture | $20,730 |
Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Interior Architecture | $20,730 |
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours) | $20,730 |
Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $20,730 |
Bachelor of Design in Architecture | $20,730 |
Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture | $20,730 |
Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of International Studies | $20,730 |
Bachelor of Design in Architecture Master of Architecture | $20,730 |
Bachelor of Design in Interior Architecture Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $20,730 |
分野 | 料金 |
Bachelor of Public Health (Honours) | $19,060 |
Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $19,060 |
Bachelor of Public Health | $19,060 |
Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of International Studies | $19,060 |
Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Sustainability and Environment | $19,060 |
Bachelor of Health Sciences Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $19,060 |
Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $20,730 |
Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Business | $22,460 |
Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Management | $22,460 |
Bachelor of Public Health Bachelor of Economics | $22,460 |
分野 | 料金 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) | $26,250 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice | $26,250 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of International Studies | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of International Studies Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering Diploma in Engineering Practice | $26,250 |
Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Business | $24,500 |
Bachelor of Engineering Science | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Engineering | $26,250 |
Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science | $25,200 |
分野 | 料金 |
Bachelor of Communication (Honours) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $23,220 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $23,220 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Creative Writing) | $18,670 |
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) | $23,220 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) | $23,220 |
Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of International Studies | $23,220 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of International Studies | $23,220 |
Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) Bachelor of International Studies | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of International Studies | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Bachelor of International Studies | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of International Studies | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $23,220 |
Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $23,220 |
Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $23,220 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $23,220 |
Bachelor of Communication (Public Communication) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Creative Writing) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) Bachelor of International Studies | $20,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $20,200 |
分野 | 料金 |
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Information Technology Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Bachelor of International Studies | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Economics Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of International Studies | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Information Technology Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Social Inquiry) Bachelor of Laws | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Writing and Publishing) Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Digital and Social Media) Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Journalism) Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Arts and Production) Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Strategic Communication) Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Communication (Social and Political Sciences) Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Economics Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Forensic Science Bachelor of Laws | $22,750 |
Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) Bachelor of Laws | $24,035 |
Bachelor of Communication (Media Business) Bachelor of Laws (Honours) | $24,035 |
分野 | 料金 |
Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Information Technology Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Information Technology | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Information Technology Bachelor of Business | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Information Technology Bachelor of International Studies | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Information Technology Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice | $25,200 |
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Bachelor of Languages and Cultures | $25,200 |
Diploma in Information Technology Professional Practice | $25,480 |
コース名 |
Analytics and Date Science(分析学・データ科学学部) |
Communication(コミュニケーション学部) |
Creative intelligence and innovation(クリエイティブ インテリジェンス・イノベーション学部) |
Engineering(工学部) |
Business(ビジネス学部) |
Health (GEM)(薬学部) |
Health(保健・看護学部) |
Information Technology(インフォメーション・テクノロジー学部) |
International Studies(国際関係学部) |
Law(法学部) |
Design, Architecture and Building(デザイン・建築学部) |
Science(理学部) |
Veterinary Science(獣医学部) |